Category: Summer
How to fold a T-Shirt in 2 seconds
How to fold a T-Shirt in under 2 seconds. Fold a shirt in 2 seconds with the Japanese Quick Fold pinching method. You draw 2 imaginary lines on the T-shirt or shirt to help you visualize how to pinch the shirt and fold a shirt in under 2 seconds. There are 3 points on the…
Keep water bottle cold in the sun
Keep water bottle cold in the sun or keep water ice cold in the sun summer life hacks. This is part of the series called cool water summer life hacks. You can keep water cold in the summer during your day at the beach using a T-Shirt- life hack experiment. How to have cool water…
How to keep cool on hot summer days
How to keep cool on hot summer days On hot summer days, if you must be in the sun, wear a hat. Sun hats with UV protection Even better wear a sun hat with UV blocking protection material. A sun hat is designed to have a wide brim to act as a personal umbrella for…
How to pit cherries without a cherry pitter
How to pit cherries without a cherry pitter. Cherries are a delicious summer food snack hack and this food hack will make it easier to use cherries in lots of tasty food recipes. Pitters are used to remove the pits or stones from various fruits so that you can use cherries on sweets cakes and…