Textar brand brake pads for VW Polo 9N Product code Textar 2313001 Made by TMD Friction Services GmbH. Germany Made in Romania
Textar brand Brake discs / brake rotors for VW Polo 9N Series Textar Pro+ Product code Textar 92082205 Made by TMD Friction Services GmbH. Germany Made in China
VW Polo 9N Brake Pads and Brake Rotors Change Without Special Tools step-by-step video instructions and highlights of what parts are harder or trickier.
Bonus gravity brake lines bleeding and brake fluid flush without pressing the brake pedal and without any special tools.
I decided to use Textar brake rotors and Textar brake pads as they seem from what I read online that Textar is supposed to be the same quality as OEM BMW brake pads and rotors. If it’s good enough for BMW, It’s going to be more than enough for me and my VW Polo 9N. I paid for all the parts and this is not a sponsored post or video.
The hardest parts are getting the old brake diwc rotors off the wheel hubs. I recorded that part very closely but it got lost in the files tranfer.
To remove the brake disc rotors:Spray WD-40 on rhe Philips screw but also around the holes from the front top, everywhere like you see in the second part of the video.
Do that as soon as you remove the wheel.While you remove the brake caliper and brake pads, the wd-40 works it’s magic.
Then take a decent hammer and hit it like you see in the video but harder. there I was just starting before the next video was lost.
Hit 2 times on left then 2 times on right.Repeat until the rotor just starts moving or falls on the hub or on the ground.
Do not have your feet or hands under the rotor. let it fall or when it’s moving, it’s easy to pull with your hands.
Clean the wheel hub with light sandpaper or a wire brush if there’s rust.Use wd-40 then brake cleaner to make the wheel hub surface super clean.
Feel the surface with your fingers to ensure no texture is present from any rusty spots.Grease as in the video using Copper Grease Antiseize so the rotor is easier to remove next time.
Changed the brake pads and brake rotors on the car – exhausted but I did it, recorded it and somehow half of the videos 100GB got corrupted while transferring to the SSD.Good thing the other 100GB of video was ok and I was able to recover parts of the corrupted files just enough to make a video for you!
This VW Polo 9N Step by step full details video will be members only.If you didn’t have a reason to join this channel yet, the video is close, detailed and full of useful information that’s not in even 1 video on the internet now.
All the forum posts and videos I read and watch didn’t prepare me for the tricky parts.
This video will prepare you so that you can do the brake pads and discs change without a problem.
Enjoy the video and thanks for being a member of this channel!Any questions, please do ask in the video comments section and I will answer asap!
Salt Bank, Alternativa Revolut in Romania de la Banca Transilvania. Numele Salt Bank BT sau Salt BT identifica mai ușor de unde e serviciul dar poate e mai bine, simplu Salt Bank.
UAA95D este codul meu de recomandare de la Salt Bank.
La Salt cursul valutar e mai bun decât la Revolut.
Oricine poate verifica – compara oricând schimbul valutar
Video Salt Bank Romania card comparație curs valutar Salt vs Revolut. Adauga bani direct in Euro cu transfer bancar din străinătate in contul Euro Salt Bank.
Update 18.04.2024 Programul pentru Fondatori s-a încheiat cand Salt Bank a ajuns la 100k utilizatori dar in continuare primesti cardul Salt Bank Mastercard care are cursul valutar foarte bun si multicurrency la fel cum are si cardul Mastercard Platinum. Noile carduri Salt Bank au 2 culori diferite acum dar este foarte posibil sa introducă si alte culori sau ediții limitate sau chiar carduri personalitate.
Au acum 2 tipuri de card standard care si ele au cursul valutar bun.
Au si alte produse inclusiv dobânzi bune la Spaces si Depozite.
Felicitari celor care s-au înscris si au primit cartul Salt Bank Membru Fondator. Au trecut de 100k utlilizatori.
Primii 100k utilizatori au primit cardul Salt Bank Mastercard Platinum!
Update 08 Aprilie 2024
Cardul fizic se livrează prin FAN Curier si primiti mesaj de la FAN Curier cu AWB-ul pentru pachetul de la curier. Se livreaza personal si dureaza doar cateva zile chiar 1-2 zile.
Este posibil sa folosești cardul virtual de la Salt Bank fara sa folosești cardul fizic.
Cardul fizic se activeaza odata primit la orice bancomat cu o tranzacție de activare.
Cardul in pachet postat pe Reddit cu mențiunea ca este card din plastic nu metal dar este într-adevăr card Mastercard Platinum cu toate beneficiile MC Platinum incluse.
Calitatea imaginii este mai slabă. Cardul in realitate arata asa cum un card Platinum trebuie sa arate – Premium. Era bine daca ar fi de metal dar in general folosim Apple Pay,Google Pay sau chiar Samsung Pay.
Datele de autentificare ale cardului sunt mereu conținute in Chip-ul EMV sau pentru plati la POS NFC.
UAA95D este codul meu de recomandare de la Salt Bank.
Aplicatia Salt Bank BT Surpriza Curs Salt vs Revolut Curs Valutar RON-EUR la schimb Revolut vs Salt.
Nu e de mirare ca atunci cand cauti pe Google Salt Bank, încep sa apara reclame la Revolut.
Concurenta e foarte buna pentru noi consumatorii cred eu dar si pentru banci ca raman competitive.
Am mai incercat sa fac o plata prin Google Wallet si cardul Salt Bank cred ca in weekend. Am reușit sa ma loghez dupa reinstalat aplicatia. Inca nu merge pentru mine in Google pay – EUR in Cipru. Le-am trimis mail. In acest video arat cum merge aplicatia, cum adaug conturi in USD, GBP si comparatie surpriza intre curs RON-EUR Revolut vs Salt.
Am Cardul Salt Bank Romania Membru Fondator Mastercard Platinum si abia aștept sa ii fac proba in lounge la aeroport.
Update 29.03.2024 Gata! am cardul si cont RON + EUR
Au schimbat codul de referral dar link-ul ramane la fel.
Inainte aveam codul 222211 super interesant, acum am codul UAA95D
Am primit si eu notificare sa deschid contul meu la Salt bank! Yey
Deschis cont ron + euro, comadat card, adaugat 100 lei din revolut, schimbat in euro.
Adaugat in Google Pay, Wallet.
Urmează sa platesc in euro sa vad daca iau comision pentru euro.
Multicurrency am lasat dezactivat pt. ca scria acolo ceva ca ia din contul lei..
Am incercat in timp ce multicurrency era dezactivat sa plateac in Euro la POS fizic cu Google Pay dar a dat declined – banned.
Am activat multicurrency si incerc din nou
Sa vedem.
Pana acum 0 comisioane si cardul e fizic commandat dar se activeaza in aplicatie.
Voi incerca din nou sa platesc in străinătate la pos in euro cu multi-currency activat.
Cardul e platinum se pare dar eu in Cipru nu pot sa platesc la pos cu RON+EUR si multi currency enabled. Pe terminal apare banned not approved cu google pay si dau swipe sa folosesc Revolut care merge. Poate ca trebuie sa mai astept sau sa fac o transactie in România intai…. O sa incerc la alt procesator.
E interesant ca optiunea era dezactivata chiar dupa ce am deschis cont in EUR si am schimbat RON to EUR.
Poate o notificare m-ar fi ajutat dar aplicatia e early preview asa ca poate cand incerci tu,e deja mai usor.
Mai tarziu am facut update la aplicatia Salt Bank si de atunci nu mai merge deloc. Am vazut pe Reddit ca nu sunt singurul cu problema asta asa am rasuflat usurat ca nu e o problema speciala cu contul meu sau telefonul meu.
Le-am trimis email despre eroare si cum nu am reusit nici macar 1 plata in EUR in Cipru la Pos unde orice card merge. Poate e nevoie sa fac 1 tranzacție in Romania întâi… nu stiu. Am reusit sa incarc 100 lei de pe cardul meu Revolut in contul Lei la Salt Bank.
E interesant ca nu pot incarca direct Euro pe Salt Bank ci numai Lei si pe urma convertesc in Euro in aplicatie. Nu-mi dau seama daca e o problemă de la aplicatie sau asa funcționează din cauza vreunei restricții.
Dupa update – Device integrity cannot be verified…
Dupa ce totul functiona in aplicatie… M-am gandit sa fac update. Dupa imi da eroarea device integrity cannot ve verified.
Telefon Sony Xperia 1V Android 14 ultimul update facut si la os si la play store…. Toate aplicațiile Revolut & friends functioneaza.
Nu am instalat aplicatii intre timp. Doar update la Salt Bank.
Daca pot sa trimit mai multe detalii va rog sa-mi spuneti.
Am reinstalat dar degeaba. Eroarea ramane si nu pot decat sa inchid aplicatia. Sper sa reusiti sa faceti concurență buna pentru Revolut ca ceilalți sunt deja in urma.
Eu sunt in Cipru acum si am cardul virtual in telefon adaugat la Google Pay / Wallet.
Am încercat sa fac plati de 3 ori si aparea banned declined sau contact ceva dar mereu declined.
Despre Salt Bank
Despre Salt Bank si ce asteptari am eu de la asta. Cu Starling ar avea sanse de succes.
Azi m-am înscris in coada de așteptare pentru a avea cont la Salt Bank.
Sunt destule beneficii declarate in viitor pentru cei care se inscriu devreme.
Ei zic membrii fondatori Salt Bank dar eu zic useri cu beneficii prin referirea cunoscutilor.
Din ce declara SaltBank in aplicatie, principalele beneficii pentru membri care se inscriu acum sunt:
Card Mastercard Platinum
Asigurare Medicala pentru tine si familia ta, ma gândesc ca e vorba de asigurare de calatorie.
Nu sunt sigur dar se pare ca este inclus access la Executive / vip lounge in Aeroport la Otopeni si posibil si in afara.
Video nu este sponsorizat, nu m-a platit nimeni sa fac acest video.
Am pus codul meu de afiliat ca sa va inscrieti si voi daca e interesant.
Eu folosesc Revolut exclusiv pentru conversii valutare si ma gandeam ca ar trebui sa avem o alternativă.
Concurenta e foarte buna pentru noi, consumatorii.
Numele e destul de amuzant pentru mine SaltBank sau Soft Bank asa cum mereu imi vine sa zic.
Acum 14 Martie 2024, aplicatia este disponibila si te poti inscrie in programul de ‘membri fondatori’ si cand e gata ne anunta Soft Bank aka Salt Bank printr-un email.
Sa vedem ce o fi.
Eu sper din tot sufletul sa mearga bine si cel mai important sa fie super competitiv cu Revolut ca altfel e fass.
O sa fac un update când am mai multe informații haha!
Check car tyre pressure when the weather gets cold. When the summer is finished and the cold weather starts, check and fill your tyres with air.
In hot weather the air inside the tyres expands and had a normal tyre pressure. As the temperature outside cools down, the air inside the tyres contracts and this reduces the pressure in your tyres.
Make a habbit to refill your tyres with air at least once a month and especially when the weather changes from hot to cold.
Modern cars have pressure sensors inside the tyres so it’s much easier to know when you should refill the tyres with air or ask someone to fill tour tyres with air.
The tyre air station and your local gas station usually works very well and it even beeps after the pressure is correct.
The actual pressure you set depends on your car, tyre specifications and load on the car. I set my tyre pressure to 2.4 bar or 35 psi on the front wheels and 2.0 bar or 29 psi on the back wheels.
I used to fill with air pressure of 2.2 bar on the front and 1.9 on the back but a bit more pressure feels like the car drives better.
When the tyres are inflated properly, the car engine uses less fuel for the same distance and soft tyres make the car harder to move.
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Sony Xperia 1V Compare Camera Tests. Compare Sony Xperia 1 V vs s23 ultra camera video comparison samples test part 4 of 4. Compare the cameras video recording between Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra in real life use.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Comparison Camera Video and Microphone
I do a side-by-side video with S23 ultra and Xperia 1V. The weather was 31 instead of 33 celsius when the Xperia 1V overheated and it was very windy by the beach so the sound on Xperia 1V was mostly wind noise while the samsung was ok. Sorry for the wind noise, I keep it so you get an idea of how Xperia 1V sounds like in strong wind. Reduced volume on some super windy parts.
The Xperia 1V recorded a long session of 4k60p in the hot summer sun and even 4k 120fps. No shutting down and no overheating warning. It was probably because of the strong wind cooling the sony. I believe the colors on HLG HDR video are just Amazing! for windy days a pair of wind jammer stickers on the microphone holes or external stereo thru usb interface or a regular TRRS microphone is a must. The Xperia does have a noise reduction function but I didn’t use it in this test.
Difference in size between Samsung s23 Ultra vs Xperia 1 V or Xperia 1V. The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is a very versatile phone and is useful in many ways.
Sony Xperia 1 V vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra to compare video camera quality and microphone audio quality.
All 4K UHD 30fps, 60fps and 120fps sample footage test HDR10+ vs HLG HDR sample videos. S23 Ultra records in HDR10+ Sony Xperia 1 V records in HLG BT.2020 HDR Video.
Pros for the S23 Ultra
Microphone quality is really good in windy conditions. The price now is lower for the S23 Ultra and we can get 512GB storage or even 1TB while the Xperia in Europe is 12GB RAM 256GB ROM storage only. Camera zoom reach at 10x is much further than the Xperia 85-125 or 3.5x to 5.2x zoom lens. Bigger and wider displays are easier to use for daily apps. S23 Ultra S-Pen. Is built like a jewel with a beautifully designed metal frame around the phone and around the cameras. 8K video recording Samsung cases are really good Leather and silicone compared to Sony Xperia 1 V that at the moment I can’t find a case for. HDR10+ video recording option.
Cons of Samsung S23 Ultra
Video is too sharp and phone-like but still very good quality especially at 10x zoom and 100x zoom Samsung is the best I’ve seen so far. Heavy especially with the leather case installed. The display feels too wide sometimes and feels more like a small tablet than a phone. Over-saturated and over-sharpened images and videos.
Pros for Sony Xperia 1 V
4K HDR BT.2020 120fps OLED Display is really beautiful and it has amazing pixel density. On preorder it was bundled with a free pair of Sony WH-1000XM5 legendary noise canceling headphones and Bravia Core 12 months streaming service. Sony Xperia 1 V is light and built very rugged with patterns on the back glass and edges of the phone to make the phone less slippery and it looks beautiful too just in a different way. True zoom lens with moving optical elements. Headphone jack and MicroSD card slot in 2023 is a major plus for convenience. Natural colors in photos and videos 4K 120fps and HLG HDR recording in all video modes.
Cons of Sony Xperia 1V
Can overheat fast if doing any heavy processing or recording 4K video in 60fps or 120fps. The display is too narrow for some apps. No case available from Sony yet.
Sound problems
I didn’t enable the Xperia 1 V microphone intelligent wind reduction. It’s off by default and was worried it would make the sound tinny. I should have tested it on /off but didn’t imagine wind would be such a big problem for the sony and kept it off a few days before doing this test and totally forgot to try it during the tests. I could test them with this and external microphones if anyone is interested to hear a comparison.
Prevent Samsung Oversaturated Images and video
Samsung Auto scene detect was off to prevent ‘samsung colors’ everything else was default settings.
HDR on for both. HLG bt.2020 on Sony and HDR10+ on Samsung. Colors on Samsung looked like that on its own display. Also it looked oversharpener most of the time. Some parts looked better on the Samsung I believe but really very few.
Other than the wind Sony has amazing video quality but Samsung takes great photos if auto scene mode is off. Sony takes great photos too but on the Samsung they look really cool like a modern look while the sony feels like a manual film camera with a Jupiter or Helios vintage lens that can take artsy pics.
Specifications summary
Sony Xperia 1 V Specifications: Manufacturer: SONY Model: XQ-DQ54 ROM: 256GB RAM: 12GB Color: Black EAN Barcode: 4589771648728 Sony Xperia 1 V EU model XQ-DQ54 SKU: XQDQ54C0B.EUK
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Specifications: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 12GB RAM 512GB ROM Cream beige color EU model. Manufacturer: Samsung Electronics Model: SM-S918B/DS ROM: 512GB RAM: 12GB Color: Cream EAN Barcode: 8806094728972 Samsung S23 Ultra S918 EU SKU: SM-S918BZEHEUE
It’s a good idea to have 2-3 emergency blankets in your home in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes or heavy storms.
In case of earthquake like the recent earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria on 6 February 2023 with magnitude of 7.8 magnitude.
You should have a bare minimum set of emergency supplies ready to use and last for 2-3 days minimum.
Most important is to have bottled water in your house or flat 3-6 Liters of water, in multiple rooms in case one room becomes inaccessible, you can reach for water in the other room.
Keep a few emergency thermal blankets like the LDPE Mylar blankets shown in the video to keep warm in the winter if windows are broken and it’s cold outside.
Keep also dry nuts and high calories protein bars or dry muesli, in your rescue survival bag kit, usually made of oats and dry fruits. Keep many dry fruits.
Identify at least 1 place to take cover near your bed in case of earthquake and the best spot to stay in case of earthquake. Try to stay near your fridge as there will be lots of fresh food supplies if needed.
Tap on a piece of metal with a stone to make noise and shout if you hear people calling r walking nearby.
A survival set is useful especially a whistle to alert rescuers of where you are. Beware of any objects that may fall during an earthquake and after.
The best place to stay is usually a corner of a room where the walls sound full when you knock on them (solid structural beams of concrete).
Also it’s good to be under a table or next or the bed in case something falls, it would fall on the table or bed and you have a change to stay in a pocket of air between 2 walls and next to a bed or a table.
Itemized list summary in order of importance:
High calories protein bars or muesli
Dry food, nuts, dry fruits
First aid kit
Emergency blanket
Your phone can be used as a flashlight
Elastic band and strong nylon or polyester thread with sewing needles.
a few types of thin rope cordage and safety pins. Optional:
FM AM Shortwave radio
Walkie talkie or Long range radio transmitter and receiver.
Power banks charged sitting in a drawer
During the earthquake don’t run down stairs or worse elevator. If if there are bad shakes sit under a table in a corner where at least 2 walls are load bearing. Walls may collapse and a corner in a room with load bearing walls may have a pocket of air. The worst place is on the balcony and in the middle of the room.
Stay safe and do not run on the stairs or to the lift during an earthquake. After the quake is finished, take only the survival kit and your documents and go outside and wait until you know the building is still safe to live in.
Emergency blankets mylar LDPE thermal blankets after an earthquake. Used in emergency situations to keep warm in a survival situation.
It’s a good idea to have 2-3 emergency blankets in your home in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes or heavy storms.
In case of earthquake like the recent earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria of 7.8 magnitude.
You should have a bare minimum set of emergency supplies ready to use and last for 2-3 days minimum.
Most important is to have bottled water in your house or flat. In multiple rooms in case one room becomes inaccessible, you can reach for water in the other room.
Keep a few emergency thermal blankets like the LDPE Mylar blankets shown in the video to keep warm in the winter if windows are broken and it’s cold outside. Keep also dry nuts and high calories protein bars usually made of oats and dry fruits. Keep dry fruits.
Identify at least 1 place to take cover near your bed in case of earthquake and the best spot to stay in case of earthquake.
Try to stay near your fridge as there will be lots of fresh food supplies if needed. Tap on a piece of metal with a stone to make noise and shout if you hear people calling r walking nearby.
A survival set is useful especially a whistle to alert rescuers of where you are.
Beware of any objects that may fall during an earthquake and after. The best place to stay is usually a corner of a room where the walls sound full when you knock on them (solid structural beams of concrete).
Also it’s good to be under a table or next or the bed in case something falls, it would fall on the table or bed and you have a change to stay in a pocket of air between 2 walls and next to a bed or a table.
Itemized list summary in order of importance: – Water – High calories protein bars – Dry food, nuts, dry fruits – Emergency blanket – Whistle – Your phone – FM AM Shortwave radio – Walkie talkie or Long range radio transmitter and receiver. – Power banks charged sitting in a drawer – Flashlight
Stay safe and do not run on the stairs or to the lift during an earthquake.
After the quake is finished, take only the survival kit and your documents and go outside and wait until you know the building is still safe to live in.
DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor keyboard unboxing, setup and first use. Unboxing the Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor keyboard and trying the DVR speed editor for the first time ever.
Feel of the buttons is a bit stiff at first but got used to them. They feel very similar to my Logitech G19 PC keyboard and love them.
The jog wheel of the speed editor feels really locked-in with the timeline or source monitor.
Any small slight movement on the jog wheel reflects in real time on the screen timeline as if there was a physical belt connecting the speed editor jog wheel and DaVinci Resolve Studio.
The rotating dial feels luxurious with solid weighty feel but very well balanced as seen in the video.
Jog wheel can function as a shuttle wheel which I personally don’t like much and for fast scrolling thru the timeline. The scroll feels really effective at going thru a lot of footage fast finding what is needed.
In the video you can also see my first edit with the speed editor and how easy it is to use to put a timeline together.
Good things about the DVR Speed Editor
The DVR Speed Editor comes with a full DaVinci Resolve Studio 18 license (18.1 at the moment works great). Not only that but you can activate one license on 2 computers at the same time. In this way it’s like having 2 licenses.
Was suspicious when saw the 1 activation left notice after activating it. Tried it and it works on 2 devices. After second activation it says no activation left. If you try to activate a third device with the same license, one of the previous activation will be deactivated automatically once connected to the internet for updates I guess.
The rubber pads on the bottom of the DVR Speed Editor will keep it from sliding on your desk. Rubber feet just became rubber mattresses on this one.
What’s bad about the DVR Speed Editor
Shipped with low battery
Shipped with very low battery – sitting on a shelf a long time I guess.
Speed Editor had 0% – 2% battery and no reaction when plugged in. I thought it was a bad unit.
Got the Blackmagic Design speed editor keyboard. Was worried it’s a brick for 15 min. – no reaction at all. Turns out the battery was 2% when DaVinci Resolve 18 finally sees it.
Then asks to update immediately at 8% battery. I’m glad it has a chance to work still.
Anyone getting their speed editor, let it charge on USB for a few hours. Charging can be slow and could take 3-4 hours even. Reached 43% unplugged for a few minutes then back in and showed 17% initially. Now it’s always plugged in because of the next bad thing about the speed editor.
Bluetooth doesn’t work for me
It is supposed to work via Bluetooth only but for me it does not. The Resolve Speed Editor connects to Bluetooth fine and the Bluetooth dongle I use blinks like it’s doing things.
The Speed Editor has Snap and Jog buttons illuminated but not responding to any keys and can’t change Jog mode to Scroll or Shuttle. Nothing happens when pressing any buttons.
Restarted DaVinci Resolve several times, using latest Resolve Studio 18.1 version and updated the Speed Editor Firmware as required via USB. Still not working thru Bluetooth. I suspect it might be the Bluetooth dongle I’m using so already ordered another dongle to try if the speed editor could work via Bluetooth.
On a laptop it might work fine but because I use a desktop PC, I have to use a USB Bluetooth adapter dongle.
Not all USB Bluetooth dongles will work with the Resolve Speed editor.
Update after trying different Bluetooth dongles
The DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor does work with a PC via Bluetooth but only if the PC has a compatible Bluetooth adapter dongle.
I noticed the Bluetooth dongles that do work with the Speed Editor are the 5.0 LE versions. So Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy profiles for your Bluetooth adapter is required.
After pairing, you can use the speed editor from your bed or lounge without problems.
The USB Cable
The USB Type-C to Type-C cable provided is very bulky and difficult to manage on the desk.
Also the length of the USB-C connectors on the provided cable are very long and will not make it easy to have the speed editor in front of you on the desk with the PC keyboard behind it as that for me feels like it really the best way to use it. I like to be able to use the keyboard with macro keys and mouse when needed. Not often on the cut page but on edit and color, you still need a full sized keyboard or use the full sized and more expensive DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard.
Make the USB cable provided with a right-angle low profile connector to keep people from damaging the USB-C connector because of it sitting on the USB cable connector.
I use a USB 2.0 Type-A to Type-C 480 MB cable from IKEA and it works fine and it’s less bulky than the cable provided from Blackmagic Design.
No charge indicator
No physical charge indicator on the device, you can only see the battery level in DaVinci Resolve – Control Surfaces or on Bluetooth devices list when connected thru Bluetooth.
No Power button
There is no way to turn off the speed editor but it does seem to enter a sleep mode if not connected to Bluetooth or USB for some time.
Before First Use
Before first use, plug in the USB cable to charge 2-3 hours minimum.
Use the DaVinci Control Panels Setup utility found in DaVinci Resolve Studio – Help menu.
Update the speed editor firmware when asked but only if the speed editor battery is more than 30%-50%.
I love it really love the solid feel of the wheel with rubbery edges.
Used it on 3-4 videos already and feels like learning to assemble a timeline with the speed editor is much easier than I initially thought.
Wish I’d purchased the speed editor earlier.
Using a shoes dust cover to keep dust away from the Speed Editor surface. Even though the keyboard buttons are mechanical switches it feels like an old-school keyboard in a good way – solid metal and heavy for it’s size. I wish they had some battery indicator on the device and a dedicated power On/Off button on the device.
The speed editor has many functions for quick transitions and cut options. The multi-cam features seem interesting but I have no idea what half of the buttons are for on this keyboard. Time to learn some more and be amazed how easy multi-cam is with this.
One really interesting feature is the close-up feature to use a slightly zoomed-in version of the current clip for a quick close-up suspense builder wow.
Update after 1 week of heavy daily use
The DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor really does make editing faster.
The cut page together with the speed editor will save you a lot of time. It already makes it easier for us.
The Speed Editor connected via Bluetooth and a pair of Bluetooth headphones enables you to literally edit your video while laying in bed. Literally in bed editing looking at the PC screen in full-screen mode (red key on the speed editor) makes it very easy to edit videos.
I suspect you can actually use an Android tablet with DaVinci Resolve and the Speed Editor by connecting to the PC with the remote desktop app and via Bluetooth with the Resolve Speed Editor and Bluetooth headphones.
You would have to be within Bluetooth range for this to work but it’s still an amazing way to use the powerful editing workstation PC while sitting in a lounge or bed on the veranda.
The next step up from this is to use DaVinci Resolve on a decent laptop with the Speed Editor Keyboard or the new iPad DaVinci Resolve app together with the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor.
If you don’t have it already, try to ask a friend who has it to borrow it or just get it and be amazed how fast you get used to it while still keeping your JkL editing muscle memory intact.
Philips steam iron model specifications Philips PowerLife SteamGlide 85g 2000W Philips SteamGlide steam iron for clothes not working. Plugged in, not starting. Philips steam iron not working silent no thermostat noises.
The problem could be damaged electrical wiring, water damage, heating element broken or thermal fuse failure. A steam iron not working even when setting the thermostat to Maximum setting and especially if you don’t head the noise in the video might mean the steam iron has a bad thermostat or a failing thermostat. Clean and reposition the thermostat if needed. A steam iron thermostat can be replaced with a new part.
Watch video for disassembly instructions and how to fix the steam iron thermostat.
Pen not working, how to fix a ballpoint pen. Pen not working fix ballpoint pens or How to fix a ballpoint pen without any tools or ink solvents. Ink ballpoint pens will stop working if not used for a long time. Use the tips in this video to revive a ballpoint pen that doesn’t work anymore.
How ballpoint pens work
How a ballpoint pen works is by using a tube filled with pen ink similar to a fountain pen but the ballpoint pen ink is made into a thicker and sticky consistency. The Ink flows out from the tube and is restricted by a ball at the end of the pen. A ballpoint pen ball will allow ink to come out as the ball rolls on a surface such as paper.
If the surface is too smooth and shiny, the ball will not roll and the ballpoint pen ink will not be released. This makes a ballpoint pen not work in many cases.
How is a ballpoint pen made
Ballpoint pens can vary widely in shape sizes and functionality. The ball point pen components can be made of multiple material types but the main components are the same.
Ballpoint pen refills
Some ballpoint pens have a larger refill reserve and some have the standard thin ballpoint pen refill tubes. The simplest ballpoint pen refills are the thin ink tube refill with a brass end that encapsulates a Steel ball that will roll onto paper and release ink. Some ink refills contain different ink types some thicker and some ink gels smoother making writing with a ball point pen feel similar to using a fountain ink pen.
Pen types
Pen types can be fixed without moving parts and a cap to cover the ball point. These pens are the cheapest and simples to make and use.
The pen can have a mechanism to make the ball point come out or retract.
Ball point pen ink color
The most popular ink color for ball point pen refills is blue but black is used often too and red os usually used to correct previously written pages.
There are even multi color ball point pens with green, brown, yellow, orange ink too.