Category: Interview Questions

  • 412. Fizz Buzz Python 3 Solution

    412. Fizz Buzz Python 3 Solution

    412. Fizz Buzz Python 3 Solution for LeetCode and HackerRank problems Requirements Input: integer n Output: string array answer (1-indexed) where: answer[i] == “FizzBuzz” when i is divisible by both 3 and 5. answer[i] == “Fizz” when i is divisible by 3. answer[i] == “Buzz” when i is divisible by 5. answer[i] == i for…

  • 155. Min Stack

    155. Min Stack

    155. Min Stack Solution programming interview question. Design a stack that can return the minimum element in constant time and also support pus, pop and top methods. Example:Input[“MinStack”,”push: -3″,”push: 0″,”push: -5″,”getMin”,”pop”,”top”,”getMin”] OutputMinStack minStack = new MinStack();minStack.push(-3); // returns nullminStack.push(0); // returns nullminStack.push(-5); // returns nullminStack.getMin(); // return -5minStack.pop(); // returns; // return 0minStack.getMin(); //…

  • 20. Valid Parentheses Leetcode Solution

    20. Valid Parentheses Leetcode Solution

    Valid Parentheses Leetcode 20 Solution Return boolean indicating wether the pairs of paranthesis are matching and there are no un-matched paranthesis found. Using a list to implement a stack in Python.Store all the pairs of opening and closing tags in a dictionary. Closing brackets are the key.Go thru the characters of the string and add…

  • 66. Plus One LeetCode Solution in Python

    66. Plus One LeetCode Solution in Python

    Plus One LeetCode Solution in Python 3. Given a non empty array of decimal digits representing a non-begative integer.Increment the integer, most significant digit is on the left. Each element contains a single digit.No leading zeros except for the number 0. Examples Input: digits = [1,2,3] Output: [1,2,4] Input array represents the int 123 +…

  • Google Interview 686. Repeated String Match

    Google Interview 686. Repeated String Match

    Google Interview 686. Repeated String Match. Given two strings a and b, return the minimum number of times you should repeat string a so that string b becomes a subscring of sring a.If b cannot be a substring of a after repeating it, return -1. String “acb” repeated 0 times is “”, repeated 1 times…

  • Google 844. Backspace String Compare

    Google 844. Backspace String Compare

    Google Interview 844. Backspace String Compare Given two strings s and t, return True if they are equal. ‘#’ means backspace. Examples Input: s = “ab#c”, t = “ad#c” Output: true Explanation: Both s and t become “ac”. Input: s = “abb#c”, t = “ade#c” Output: false Explanation: s becomes “abc” and t becomes “adc”.…

  • Two Sum Solution [LeetCode 1]

    Two Sum Solution [LeetCode 1]

    Two Sum Solution in Python 3 [LeetCode 1] Given an array of integers nums and a target integer. Return the indexes (not values) of the 2 numbers that add up to the target value. One solution and one element can’t be used twice. Example nums = [1,2,8,7,11,15], target = 13 output= [1,4], indexes start at…

  • LeetCode 482 License Key Formatting Solution

    LeetCode 482 License Key Formatting Solution

    LeetCode 482 License Key Formatting Solution in Python 3. LeetCode 482 Solution 32 ms in Python 3 You are given a license key represented by the string s that contains only alphanumeric characters and dashes. You are also given an integer k. Reformat the string s so that each group contains exactly k characters, except…

  • Google  Leetcode 929 Unique Email Addresses

    Google Leetcode 929 Unique Email Addresses

    Google Interview Questions – Leetcode 929 Unique Email Addresses Fast Solution Level: Easy Analysis Every valid email has a local name and the domain name separated by @ symbol. Dots in the local name are removed when checking for uniqueness. any character after the + sign is ignored. Domain names are left as they are…