Samsung 970 Evo Plus 100% Usage Freeze NVMe

Samsung 970 Evo Plus 100pct Usage Freeze NVMe

Samsung 970 Evo Plus 100% Usage Freeze NVMe.

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Samsung 100% NVMe usage read-only freeze.

Samsung 100 percent usage freeze problem fixed by moving the NVMe from the m.2 slot of the PC motherboard into and external NVMe enclosure.

It’s not running at full NVMe speed in the enclosure, limited to 10 GB/s but at least it works now.

The fix

How to fix Samsung 970 Evo Plus 100% usage freeze, resolve NVMe read-only problem and use an external NVMe enclosure for Samsung NVMe SSD.

NVMe M.2 SSD with Label Removed Before Installation
NVMe M.2 SSD with Label Removed Before Installation

Drivers are updated from Samsung. The NVMe drive freezes and becomes read-only. PC freezes and only a forced restart makes the computer usable.

After restarting, the NVMe drive works as normal until it’s used more heavily again and then it’s freezing at 100% usage again needing a restart.
I was able to fix this by moving the NVMe drive storage from the internal m.2 motherboard slot into an external case.

Why is it doing this?

Possible reasons for the 100% usage in Samsung NVMe SSD drives are:
Drivers not working properly.
Even after installing the Samsung NVMe driver, the Nvme drive is still using the Microsoft NVMe driver which could cause the 100% read-only NVMe freeze.
Overheating under heavy use especially for the NVMe drives without a heatsink like the one I have.
Hardware failure or not being able to run stable at the full NVMe m.2 PCI gen. 3 or gen. 4 speed.

Some good news

The Good news is that 5he Samsung Evo 970 Plus 100% freeze read-only is fixed by using the drive in an external NVMe enclosure.


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