water plants while on vacation using plastic bottles

Water Plants While on Vacation with Plastic Bottles

How to Water Plants While on Vacation. While away self watering plants are doing well.

A quick and easy DIY tip to water plants while away using plastic bottles.

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DIY self watering plants using plastic bottles

Water plants while on vacation using any bottle by making holes in the plastic bottle cup with a hot needle or a knife. You should make approximately 3-4 small holes are in the picture bellow.

Cap for DIY self watering plastic bottles
Cap for DIY self watering plastic bottles

A DIY simple life hack or if you like to call it a trick to water your plants while you are away for a week.

Self watering bottle next to Kaffir Lime
Self watering bottle next to Kaffir Lime

While on vacation being away traveling you will not have to worry if the plants at home are OK.

This plastic bottle method works with bottles of any size but 1 liter to 2 liter botles or equivalent are best but you should use bigger bottles if you will be away longer. Bigger bottles are more difficult to secure – watch the video.

How it works

How this trick works is by installing water bottles near the plants and securing the bottles so they don’t fall.

DIY self watering bottles for plants
DIY self watering bottles for plants

Capilary action draws water into the soil and sunlight will increase the pressure inside the water bottle to release even more water on hot sunny days from your self watering water bottless.

Self watering plastic bottle how it works
Self watering plastic bottle how it works

For how long can you be away

You can be away for approx. 1 week but it all depends if you make the holes bigger or smaller and if you live in a very hot weather area.

Water bottle releases water slowly to last for 1 week
Water bottle releases water slowly to last for 1 week

During the time you use the bottle for self watering, the bottl might shrink because the soil is absorbing water and creates a vacuum in the bottle.

Water comes out and squeezes the bottle its normal
Water comes out and squeezes the bottle its normal

The sunlight will expand this pressure to allow more water to be released from the bottle.

Self watering bottle close-up
Self watering bottle close-up

Note there are no holes on the bottom of the bottle, holes are only in the cap. Capilary action in the soil pulls water from the bottle until vacuum formed in the bottle holds it but when sun heats the air in the bottle, more water is release to the plant roots.

If you will be away for 2 weeks, you can still use this method but will larger bottles or multiple bottles.

Self watering bottle secured in place on a stick
Self watering bottle secured in place on a stick

For example, 2 bottles of 2 liters with fewer holes so that the flow is slower.

Self watering plant with bottle
Self watering plant with bottle

For anything longer than 2 weeks, you have to look at options for a diy self watering timer for plants in garden or pots.

Inserting drip irrigation next to plant
Inserting drip irrigation next to plant

Safety warning

Securing self watering bottles with a bamboo stick
Securing self watering bottles with a bamboo stick

If the crime rate in your area is moderate to high, please do this in a way that people from outside will not see the bottles in your pots. Or ask a friend (if you have one 😐 ) to water the plants for you and check that everything is ok in your home.
Having the bottles visible together with lights off is a clue that you are away from home.
Burglars will look for some of these clues to decide which home to  target.
Stay safe!

Water plants while away diy irrigation micro-drip timer

Micro-drip irrigation timer
Micro-drip irrigation timer
Water plants while away diy irrigation

Water plants while away with a diy irrigation micro-drip timer.

DIY Drip irrigation timer box contents
DIY Drip irrigation timer box contents

This is a very simple life hack or if you like let’s call it a trick to water your plants while you are away for a few weeks even a whole month!

water plants with drip irrigation timer
water plants with drip irrigation timer

You can use a timer and a large water container. 20 Liters or even more if you are away for longer periods of time.

Insert micro-drip irrigation in hose in water container

You can use a timer to water your garden even when you are at home but prefer to do it automatically and use less water.

Connect microdrip irrigation hose to timer
Connect microdrip irrigation hose to timer

There are various models of micro-drip irrigation timers but in general they have a mode of turning on the water pump a set number of times per day and a set duration for each watering session.

Battery installation in micro-drip timer
Battery installation in micro-drip timer

Ideally the timer would work with AA batteries and those batteries should last weeks or even months depending on how othen you set it to run.

Drip irrigation next to plant
Drip irrigation next to plant

With a micro-drip irrigation system and timer you waste less water and the water goes directly to the plants when they need it the most.

Micro-drip irrigation hose
Micro-drip irrigation hose

Micro-drip irrigation hose is not too thick and flexible. It can even be used as a permanent way to water your balcony garden. For full sized gardens, it is better to use bigger size drip irrigation systems feeding from utility water supply or a rain water collector barrel.

Micro-drip irrigation water container
Micro-drip irrigation water container

You can use any size of water container, even 20 liters or more will work fine.

Micro-Drip irrigation timer ready
Micro-Drip irrigation timer ready

While on vacation or traveling you will not worry if the plants at home are OK.

Grow herbs from cuttings in plastic bottles

Grow herbs from cuttings in plastic bottles.

Grow herbs from cuttings in plastic bottles

Water plants while away

Water plants while away

Revive Almost Dried Basil Plant

Revive Almost Dried Basil Plant

Revive almost any dried plant (Basil).
How to revive or restore Basil when it starts wilting.  Revive wilted plants in 1 easy step Time-Lapse

This is a Basil plant but it works with most plants in your garden.
Any plant can becomes happy and green again when watering with plenty of water if it’s dried out or wilted.
Plants easily become wilted in dry and summer days.
There is a limit and this only works on plants that are still green.
Once the leaves are dry and turn brown it won’t work.

If the plant is still green give it a lot of water fast!
A simple yet efficient trick or life hack.
The time-lapse took 2.5-3h to make.
The wilted basil plants becomes happy very quickly after watering.


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