Category: Outdoors

  • Salt Bank Alternativa Revolut in Romania

    Salt Bank Alternativa Revolut in Romania

    Salt Bank, Alternativa Revolut in Romania de la Banca Transilvania. Numele Salt Bank BT sau Salt BT identifica mai ușor de unde e serviciul dar poate e mai bine, simplu Salt Bank.

    UAA95D este codul meu de recomandare de la Salt Bank.

    Instalează aplicația Salt Bank si folosește codul UAA95D pentru înscriere. Grabeste-te.

    Update 15 Aprilie 2024

    La Salt cursul valutar e mai bun decât la Revolut.

    Oricine poate verifica – compara oricând schimbul valutar

    Video Salt Bank Romania card comparație curs valutar Salt vs Revolut. Adauga bani direct in Euro cu transfer bancar din străinătate in contul Euro Salt Bank.

    Salt Bank Romania Card Curs Valutar Adauga Bani Direct in Euro

    Update 18.04.2024 Programul pentru Fondatori s-a încheiat cand Salt Bank a ajuns la 100k utilizatori dar in continuare primesti cardul Salt Bank Mastercard care are cursul valutar foarte bun si multicurrency la fel cum are si cardul Mastercard Platinum. Noile carduri Salt Bank au 2 culori diferite acum dar este foarte posibil sa introducă si alte culori sau ediții limitate sau chiar carduri personalitate.

    Au acum 2 tipuri de card standard care si ele au cursul valutar bun.

    Au si alte produse inclusiv dobânzi bune la Spaces si Depozite.

    Felicitari celor care s-au înscris si au primit cartul Salt Bank Membru Fondator. Au trecut de 100k utlilizatori.

    Primii 100k utilizatori au primit cardul Salt Bank Mastercard Platinum!

    Update 08 Aprilie 2024

    Cardul fizic se livrează prin FAN Curier si primiti mesaj de la FAN Curier cu AWB-ul pentru pachetul de la curier. Se livreaza personal si dureaza doar cateva zile chiar 1-2 zile.

    Este posibil sa folosești cardul virtual de la Salt Bank fara sa folosești cardul fizic.

    Cardul fizic se activeaza odata primit la orice bancomat cu o tranzacție de activare.

    Cardul in pachet postat pe Reddit cu mențiunea ca este card din plastic nu metal dar este într-adevăr card Mastercard Platinum cu toate beneficiile MC Platinum incluse.

    Calitatea imaginii este mai slabă. Cardul in realitate arata asa cum un card Platinum trebuie sa arate – Premium. Era bine daca ar fi de metal dar in general folosim Apple Pay,Google Pay sau chiar Samsung Pay.

    Datele de autentificare ale cardului sunt mereu conținute in Chip-ul EMV sau pentru plati la POS NFC.

    Card Mastercard Platinum Salt Bank Platinum Close up
    Card Mastercard Platinum Salt Bank Platinum Close up Sursa:

    UAA95D este codul meu de recomandare de la Salt Bank.

    Instalează aplicația Salt Bank si folosește codul UAA95D pentru înscriere. Grabeste-te.

    Discutia a continuat despre card si desi unii utilizatori sunt dezamagiti ca nu este card de metal, beneficiile MC Platinum sunt foarte atractive.

    Banda magnetica e dezactivata din aplicatie de la emiterea cardului dar poate fi re-activata temporar.

    Pachetul cardului fizic Salt Bank Founder Account Mastercard Platinum este foarte interesant cu glisare când se deschide pachetul.

    Card Mastercard Platinum Salt Bank Platinum Pachet
    Card Mastercard Platinum Salt Bank Platinum Pachet. Sursa:

    UAA95D este codul meu de recomandare de la Salt Bank.

    Instalează aplicația Salt Bank si folosește codul UAA95D pentru înscriere. Grabeste-te.

    Update 02 Aprilie 2024

    Aplicatia Salt Bank BT Surpriza Curs Salt vs Revolut Curs Valutar RON-EUR la schimb Revolut vs Salt.

    Nu e de mirare ca atunci cand cauti pe Google Salt Bank, încep sa apara reclame la Revolut.

    Concurenta e foarte buna pentru noi consumatorii cred eu dar si pentru banci ca raman competitive.

    Am mai incercat sa fac o plata prin Google Wallet si cardul Salt Bank cred ca in weekend.
    Am reușit sa ma loghez dupa reinstalat aplicatia.
    Inca nu merge pentru mine in Google pay – EUR in Cipru.
    Le-am trimis mail.
    In acest video arat cum merge aplicatia, cum adaug conturi in USD, GBP si comparatie surpriza intre curs RON-EUR Revolut vs Salt.

    Am Cardul Salt Bank Romania Membru Fondator Mastercard Platinum si abia aștept sa ii fac proba in lounge la aeroport.

    Aplicatia Salt Bank Euro Surpriza Curs Salt vs Revolut Curs Valutar RON-EUR
    Video: Gata! Am Primit Cardul Salt Bank Romania

    Am cardul Salt Bank si mi-am creat cont pe

    Totul ok cardul Mastercard Platinum Verificat!

    Astept sa am ocazia sa folosesc lounge-ul din aeroport!

    In lista Locations nu am vazut Romania deci cred ca nu merge in Romania sau nu e actualizat. Dar sunt multe locatii pentru lounge!

    Link despre regulamentul Mastercard pentru accesul in Lounge – aeroport Otopeni.

    Update Vineri 22 Martie 2024

    Notificare in aplicația Salt Bank primita Vineri 22 Martie 2024 la ora 18:18:

    Vestea pe care o așteptai
    Începând de săptămâna viitoare, intrăm în Early Access mode. Ține notificările pornite.

    UAA95D este codul meu de recomandare de la Salt Bank.

    Instalează aplicația Salt Bank si folosește codul UAA95D pentru înscriere. Grabeste-te.

    Update 29.03.2024 Gata! am cardul si cont RON + EUR

    Card Mastercard Salt Bank Early Access Fondator adaugat in Google Wallet
    Card Mastercard Salt Bank Early Access Fondator adaugat in Google Wallet

    Au schimbat codul de referral dar link-ul ramane la fel.

    Inainte aveam codul 222211 super interesant, acum am codul UAA95D

    Am primit si eu notificare sa deschid contul meu la Salt bank! Yey

    Deschis cont ron + euro, comadat card, adaugat 100 lei din revolut, schimbat in euro.

    Adaugat in Google Pay, Wallet.

    Urmează sa platesc in euro sa vad daca iau comision pentru euro.

    Multicurrency am lasat dezactivat pt. ca scria acolo ceva ca ia din contul lei..


    Am incercat in timp ce multicurrency era dezactivat sa plateac in Euro la POS fizic cu Google Pay dar a dat declined – banned.

    Am activat multicurrency si incerc din nou

    Sa vedem.

    Pana acum 0 comisioane si cardul e fizic commandat dar se activeaza in aplicatie.

    Voi incerca din nou sa platesc in străinătate la pos in euro cu multi-currency activat.

    Cardul e platinum se pare dar eu in Cipru nu pot sa platesc la pos cu RON+EUR si multi currency enabled. Pe terminal apare banned not approved cu google pay si dau swipe sa folosesc Revolut care merge. Poate ca trebuie sa mai astept sau sa fac o transactie in România intai…. O sa incerc la alt procesator.

    E interesant ca optiunea era dezactivata chiar dupa ce am deschis cont in EUR si am schimbat RON to EUR.

    Poate o notificare m-ar fi ajutat dar aplicatia e early preview asa ca poate cand incerci tu,e deja mai usor.

    Mai tarziu am facut update la aplicatia Salt Bank si de atunci nu mai merge deloc. Am vazut pe Reddit ca nu sunt singurul cu problema asta asa am rasuflat usurat ca nu e o problema speciala cu contul meu sau telefonul meu.

    Le-am trimis email despre eroare si cum nu am reusit nici macar 1 plata in EUR in Cipru la Pos unde orice card merge. Poate e nevoie sa fac 1 tranzacție in Romania întâi… nu stiu.
    Am reusit sa incarc 100 lei de pe cardul meu Revolut in contul Lei la Salt Bank.

    E interesant ca nu pot incarca direct Euro pe Salt Bank ci numai Lei si pe urma convertesc in Euro in aplicatie.
    Nu-mi dau seama daca e o problemă de la aplicatie sau asa funcționează din cauza vreunei restricții.

    Dupa update – Device integrity cannot be verified…

    Dupa ce totul functiona in aplicatie…
    M-am gandit sa fac update.
    Dupa imi da eroarea device integrity cannot ve verified.

    Telefon Sony Xperia 1V Android 14
    ultimul update facut si la os si la play store…. Toate aplicațiile Revolut & friends functioneaza.

    Nu am instalat aplicatii intre timp.
    Doar update la Salt Bank.

    Daca pot sa trimit mai multe detalii va rog sa-mi spuneti.

    Am reinstalat dar degeaba. Eroarea ramane si nu pot decat sa inchid aplicatia.
    Sper sa reusiti sa faceti concurență buna pentru Revolut ca ceilalți sunt deja in urma.

    Eu sunt in Cipru acum si am cardul virtual in telefon adaugat la Google Pay / Wallet.

    Am încercat sa fac plati de 3 ori si aparea banned declined sau contact ceva dar mereu declined.

    Despre Salt Bank

    Despre Salt Bank si ce asteptari am eu de la asta. Cu Starling ar avea sanse de succes.

    Azi m-am înscris in coada de așteptare pentru a avea cont la Salt Bank.

    Pentru abonații din Romania! Salt Bank Link

    Avem un Revolut Romanesc nou sper…

    Salt Bank Alternativa Revolut in Romania de la Banca Transilvania

    UAA95D este codul meu de recomandare de la Salt Bank.

    Instalează aplicația Salt Bank si folosește codul UAA95D pentru înscriere. Grabeste-te.

    Sunt destule beneficii declarate in viitor pentru cei care se inscriu devreme.

    Ei zic membrii fondatori Salt Bank dar eu zic useri cu beneficii prin referirea cunoscutilor.

    Din ce declara SaltBank in aplicatie, principalele beneficii pentru membri care se inscriu acum sunt:

    Card Mastercard Platinum

    Asigurare Medicala pentru tine si familia ta, ma gândesc ca e vorba de asigurare de calatorie.

    Nu sunt sigur dar se pare ca este inclus access la Executive / vip lounge in Aeroport la Otopeni si posibil si in afara.

    Video nu este sponsorizat, nu m-a platit nimeni sa fac acest video.

    Am pus codul meu de afiliat ca sa va inscrieti si voi daca e interesant.

    Eu folosesc Revolut exclusiv pentru conversii valutare si ma gandeam ca ar trebui sa avem o alternativă.

    Concurenta e foarte buna pentru noi, consumatorii.

    Numele e destul de amuzant pentru mine SaltBank sau Soft Bank asa cum mereu imi vine sa zic.

    Acum 14 Martie 2024, aplicatia este disponibila si te poti inscrie in programul de ‘membri fondatori’ si cand e gata ne anunta Soft Bank aka Salt Bank printr-un email.

    Sa vedem ce o fi.

    Eu sper din tot sufletul sa mearga bine si cel mai important sa fie super competitiv cu Revolut ca altfel e fass.

    O sa fac un update când am mai multe informații haha!

  • How to fold a T-Shirt in 2 seconds

    How to fold a T-Shirt in 2 seconds

    How to fold a T-Shirt in under 2 seconds.

    How to fold a T-Shirt in 2 Seconds

    Fold a shirt in 2 seconds with the Japanese Quick Fold pinching method.

    You draw 2 imaginary lines on the T-shirt or shirt to help you visualize how to pinch the shirt and fold a shirt in under 2 seconds.

    Step 1 Draw vertical imaginary line Fold a T shirt
    Step 1 Draw vertical imaginary line Fold a T shirt

    There are 3 points on the vertical T-shirt line at the start, middle where it intersects the horizontal line and at the lower part of the T-shirt.

    Step 2 Draw Horizontal imaginary line Fold a T shirt
    Step 2 Draw Horizontal imaginary line Fold a T shirt
    • Point 1 is at the top next to the T-shirt neck.
    • Point 2 is in the middle at the intersection with the horizontal line.
    • Point 3 is at the bottom of the T-shirt on the vertical line.

    Method to fold a T-shirt in under 2 seconds

    How to fold a T-shirt in under 2 seconds steps.

    Pinch point 1 with your right hand as seen int he video.

    Step 3 Pinch Points 1 and 2 Fold a T shirt
    Step 3 Pinch Points 1 and 2 Fold a T shirt

    Pinch point 2 while holding point 1.

    Crossing your arms, keep holding both 1 and 2 and bring point 1 to point 3.

    Step 4 Bring point 1 towards 3 and hold 1 and 3 Fold a T shirt
    Step 4 Bring point 1 towards 3 and hold 1 and 3 Fold a T shirt

    Holding points 1 and 3 in your right arm and 2 in your left arm, uncross your arms.

    Step 5 Fold the T shirt under itself Fold a T shirt
    Step 5 Fold the T shirt under itself Fold a T shirt

    Pinch point 3 together with point 1.

    Fold the T-shirt under itself on the table and you have folded a shirt or T-shirt professionally in under 2 seconds.

    Fold the T shirt in half under itself again Fold a T shirt
    Fold the T shirt in half under itself again Fold a T shirt

    If it takes you 5 seconds or 5 minutes at first, you will get used to it and folding t-shirts in 2 seconds after a few tries.

    Professionally folded T shirt
    Professionally folded T shirt


  • Emergency Earthquake Survival Kit Backpack

    Emergency Earthquake Survival Kit Backpack

    What to do in case there is an earthquake.

    Earthquake Survival Bag
    Earthquake Survival Bag

    Prepare for an earthquake and what to do during an earthquake and after the earthquake is finished.

    What to do in case there is an earthquake

    Emergency Earthquake Survival Kit Backpack contents.

    Earthquake Survival Kit Water
    Earthquake Survival Kit Water
    Earthquake Survival Kit Fridge Water and Dry Food Boxes
    Earthquake Survival Kit Fridge Water and Dry Food Boxes

    It’s a good idea to have 2-3 emergency blankets in your home in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes or heavy storms.

    Rescue Blankets Thermal Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Rescue Blankets Thermal Earthquake Survival Kit Bag

    In case of earthquake like the recent earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria on 6 February 2023 with magnitude of 7.8 magnitude.

    You should have a bare minimum set of emergency supplies ready to use and last for 2-3 days minimum.

    Most important is to have bottled water in your house or flat 3-6 Liters of water, in multiple rooms in case one room becomes inaccessible, you can reach for water in the other room.

    Water Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Water Earthquake Survival Kit Bag

    Keep a few emergency thermal blankets like the LDPE Mylar blankets shown in the video to keep warm in the winter if windows are broken and it’s cold outside.

    Keep also dry nuts and high calories protein bars or dry muesli, in your rescue survival bag kit, usually made of oats and dry fruits.
    Keep many dry fruits.

    Dry Food Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Dry Food Earthquake Survival Kit Bag

    Identify at least 1 place to take cover near your bed in case of earthquake and the best spot to stay in case of earthquake.
    Try to stay near your fridge as there will be lots of fresh food supplies if needed.

    Tap on a piece of metal with a stone to make noise and shout if you hear people calling r walking nearby.

    Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Earthquake Survival Kit Bag

    A survival set is useful especially a whistle to alert rescuers of where you are.
    Beware of any objects that may fall during an earthquake and after.

    The best place to stay is usually a corner of a room where the walls sound full when you knock on them (solid structural beams of concrete).

    Earthquake Survival Find Load Bearing Walls Knocking
    Earthquake Survival Find Load Bearing Walls Knocking

    Also it’s good to be under a table or next or the bed in case something falls, it would fall on the table or bed and you have a change to stay in a pocket of air between 2 walls and next to a bed or a table.

    Itemized list summary in order of importance:

    • Water
    • High calories protein bars or muesli
    • Dry food, nuts, dry fruits
    • First aid kit
    • Emergency blanket
    • Whistle
    • Your phone can be used as a flashlight
    • Elastic band and strong nylon or polyester thread with sewing needles.
    • Lighter
    • a few types of thin rope cordage and safety pins.
    • FM AM Shortwave radio
    • Walkie talkie or Long range radio transmitter and receiver.
    • Power banks charged sitting in a drawer
    • Flashlight
    Plastic Bags Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Plastic Bags Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    30 liters backpack Earthquake Survival Kit
    30 liters backpack Earthquake Survival Kit
    Wind proof Lighter Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Wind proof Lighter Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Camping Multi Tool Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Camping Multi Tool Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Playing Cards Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Playing Cards Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Paper Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Paper Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Charger Cable Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Charger Cable Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Elastic Sewing Pen Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Elastic Sewing Pen Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Nylon Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Nylon Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Lighter Candle Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Lighter Candle Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Electrical Tape Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Electrical Tape Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Disinfectant Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Disinfectant Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Toilet Paper Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Toilet Paper Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Tape Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Tape Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Water Bottle Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Water Bottle Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    First Aid Kit Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    First Aid Kit Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Power Bank Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Power Bank Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Soap Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Soap Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Communication Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Communication Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Phone Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Phone Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Phone flashlight Earthquake Survival Kit Bag
    Phone flashlight Earthquake Survival Kit Bag

    During the earthquake don’t run down stairs or worse elevator.
    If if there are bad shakes sit under a table in a corner where at least 2 walls are load bearing.
    Walls may collapse and a corner in a room with load bearing walls may have a pocket of air.
    The worst place is on the balcony and in the middle of the room.

    Stay safe and do not run on the stairs or to the lift during an earthquake. After the quake is finished, take only the survival kit and your documents and go outside and wait until you know the building is still safe to live in.

    Video: How to find load-bearing walls

    Keep water and dry food rich in calories nearby. During the earthquake don’t run down stairs or worse elevator.

    Find today the load-bearing walls in your home.
    If if there are bad shakes sit under a table in a corner where at least 2 walls are load bearing.

  • Keep water bottle cold in the sun

    Keep water bottle cold in the sun

    Keep water bottle cold in the sun or keep water ice cold in the sun summer life hacks. This is part of the series called cool water summer life hacks.

    You can keep water cold in the summer during your day at the beach using a T-Shirt- life hack experiment.

    How to have cool water at the beach in the summer without a cooler bag and without cooler bag ice packs?

    A simple DIY lifehack trick that will allow you to keep water frozen for longer.

    We test in the experiment video bellow 3 water bottles to see which water bottle stays frozen longer.

    This is Summer Survival Guide #2.

    Keep water bottle cold in the sun

    Keep water ice cold in the sun
    To keep water ice cold in the sun you can use plastic water bottles. Do not use glass bottles for this life hack trick.
    Remove some water from the plastic water bottle, one small glass of water is enough.


    Keep water bottle cold in the sun
    Keep water bottle cold in the sun

    Slightly squeeze the water bottle then tighten the cap to keep the water bottle a bit deflated.

    remove 1 glass of water from the bottle
    remove 1 glass of water from the bottle

    Place the water bottle or multiple water bottles in the freezer overnight or for a few hours to cool down as much as possible.

    Place water bottle in the freezer overnight
    Place water bottle in the freezer overnight

    If the water freezes inside the bottles it’s ok, it will last even longer.

    Frozen water bottle used as cooler cooling ice pack
    Frozen water bottle used as cooler cooling ice pack

    Keep water cold with a towel or t-shirt

    Prepare water bottle to keep cold all day
    Prepare water bottle to keep cold all day

    Keep water cold with a towel or t-shirt by wrapping the bottles individually or together in a beach towel or multiple t-shirts.

    Before wrapping the water bottle in a t-shirt, place the water bottle in a plastic bag to prevent condensation from the cooling bottle to moisten the T-shirt and speed-up the warming time of the bottle.

    Wrap water bottle in T Shirt to keep cold all day
    Wrap water bottle in T Shirt to keep cold all day

    Like this, it keeps the t-shirt usable at the end of the day you have a (literally) fresh t-shirt ready to wear.

    This is an old time fishing trick and we used to wrap water bottles in newspaper to keep water cool while being outside for a long time.

    There are not many newspapers these days and a t-shirt works great but a towel works even better.

    Water bottle wrapped in T Shirt ready to stay cold all day
    Water bottle wrapped in T Shirt ready to stay cold all day

    The idea is to create an insulation layer between the cold water bottle and the hot exterior.

    This will keep the cold in and keep the heat out.

    Keep water cold in a cooler bag

    You can use a cooler bag if you have one.
    Place the bottles in the cooler bag.

    There is no need to use cooler bag ice packs to keep the bag cool.

    Water bottles keep cold in the sun
    Water bottles keep cold in the sun

    The frozen water in the bottles will keep everything cool while you are going outside.

    How long it lasts

    It can keep your water cold for a whole day if the water was previously frozen as the ice will melt slowly as the bottle stays in the sun.

    Keep water bottle cold in the sun all day
    Keep water bottle cold in the sun all day

    For only chilled water bottles, you should expect this to keep wather cold for at least 3-4 hours.

    Thanks for Watching and reading.

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments section bellow. I will answer them as soon as I can.

  • How to keep cool on hot summer days

    How to keep cool on hot summer days

    How to keep cool on hot summer days

    On hot summer days, if you must be in the sun, wear a hat.

    Sun hats with UV protection

    Even better wear a sun hat with UV blocking protection material.

    A sun hat is designed to have a wide brim to act as a personal umbrella for your head.

    The wider the sun hat brim the better.

    Hats cooling hack

    On exceptionally hot summer days, wearing a hat can reduce the ventilation capacity of your head. The hat can make it feel even hotter especially if it’s not a hat with air vents for cooling.

    This is where the this hack or trick comes into play. When you wear a hat and it’s hot, pour water on your hat.

    Soak the hat in water – clean water and then put the hat on your head.

    As the water evaporates, it cools your head rapidly and you get an instant cooling feeling good.

    WARNING! This should be done only on hot summer days and not when you might feel too cold and especially never do this if the temperature is bellow 30 degrees celsius.
    You might get sick, if you feel too cold, remove the hat and let it dry.

    Using a towel

    Any hat can be used for this trick but you could even not use a hat at all.
    Use a towel, wet the towel and place it on your head to feel better instantly in the sun.

    T-shirts work too

    You can use a t-shirt
    Soak the t-shirt in water and wear it on your head as a hat.

    Hope this helps you feel a bit better in the hot summer days.

  • 2 Liter Self Watering Plants

    2 Liter Self Watering Plants

    Do It Yourself 2 Liter Self Watering Plants to use every day or when going on vacation.

    How to make 2 Liter Self Watering Plants with 2 Liter plastic bottle containers upcycle DIY hack or trick.

    Self watering bottle next to Kaffir Lime
    Self watering bottle next to Kaffir Lime

    Use PET water bottles for self watering plants.

    Water comes out and squeezes the bottle its normal
    Water comes out and squeezes the bottle its normal

    Easy trick that can be used daily to feed plants with water, nutrients and minerals.

    Water bottle releases water slowly to last for 1 week
    Water bottle releases water slowly to last for 1 week

    How to make it

    For 2 Liter bottle containers, make 3-4 small holes in the bottle cap using a hot needle as shown bellow.

    Cap for DIY self watering plastic bottles
    Cap for DIY self watering plastic bottles

    Self Watering Plants HowTo Video

    In the video you will see how to water plants while on vacation while away.

    Self watering plants DIY

    This life hack can be used every day on your garden to keep plants watered during hot summer days.

    Micro-drip irrigation water container
    Micro-drip irrigation water container

    How to use 2 liter self watering plants

    Self watering plastic bottle how it works
    Self watering plastic bottle how it works

    Steps to make 2 liter self watering plants:

    • Take the bottle cap with the holes already made.
    • Fill up a 2 liter bottle with water. Place the cap on tight.
    • Turn the bottle upside down.
    • Insert bottle into the soil next to the plant in a pot or in the garden soil.
    • Secure the bottle with a stick and tie it with a rope to the stick.
    • Keep in place until the water is depleted.
    • Refill when needed again.
    Water plants while away video

    Water comes out thru the water bottle cap holes due to capilary action.

    Self watering bottle close-up
    Self watering bottle close-up

    Capilary action is a property of soil that will absorb liquid from wet area (bottle) to dry area(soil) until the moisture is regained.

    water plants while on vacation using plastic bottles
    water plants while on vacation using plastic bottles

    Enjoy your plants and deliver water directly to the roots while minimising evaporation in the summer hot days.

    By placing the bottles deeper and increasing the time between waterings, you encourage the plants to grow deeper roots.

    DIY self watering bottles for plants
    DIY self watering bottles for plants

    You can also make holes in the top of the bottles to make refilling easier but the water will come out much faster this way and might be a bit too fast.

    It’s ok like this for daily use but if you are going away on vacation.

    You want to make holes only in the bottle cap to release the water slowly.

    Too many holes will release water too fast and the bottle will drain faster.

    Water bottle cap holes made with hot needle

    During the day when sun will heat the air in the bottles and due to increased pressure inside the water bottle.

    You han also learn how to water plants with a diy drip irrigation system with a timer.

    Learn to water plants while on vacation.

    Inserting drip irrigation next to plant
    Inserting drip irrigation next to plant

    More water goes out into the soil exactly when your plants need it the most in the sunny hot summer days.

    Enjoy your happy self watering plants!

  • WWF Recycled Plastic Backpack For The Future collection

    WWF Recycled Plastic Backpack For The Future collection

    WWF Recycled Plastic Backpack For The Future collection.

    Label details

    World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund).

    With WWF panda symbol.

    For The Future WWF a range of products cobranded with WWF Outdoor bagpack.

    Main material, lining and webbing are made from post consumer recycling of PET bottles.

    Made from approx. 21 pet bottles 550ml / 18 oz.

    Made in China

    Dimmensions: in cm. 30 x 43 x 15 in inch 11.8 x 16.9 x 5.9

    Fabric made from Recycled PET.

    Material: Recycled Polyester. PCV Free.

    Product code: P507871 EAN Barcode: 5054903817567

    Is it any good?

    The exterior material feels a bit weak and thin. It looks like fine fiber hairs are coming out of it too easily and does not look waterproof.

    The inside material is very good with nice padded shoulder straps and the bottom of the bag is also foam padded so that you don’t break any device inside the bag if it falls from your shoulder.

    The shoulder straps have a bit of padding but not much reinforcement.

    The rough exterior material may be useful on the shoulder straps to prevent the bag from sliding on your shoulder if you like to wear the bagpack on only one shoulder.

    There is zero heat dissipation on the area in contact with your back so wearing it on one shoulder may be the only option with this bag.


    Bag material inside pockets and and what fits inside the bagpack.

    WWF For The Future bagpack


    Not bad but external material should be much better to protect what’s inside the bag.

  • Do It Yourself Garden Sprinkler with Plastic Bottles

    Do It Yourself Garden Sprinkler with Plastic Bottles

    Do It Yourself garden sprinkler with plastic bottle.

    How to water small plants with plastic bottles, a diy gardening trick.

    Check Prices on Amazon

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    How to make it

    Make a diy do It yourself water sprinkler to gently water small fragile plants.

    You can also use the sprinkler to refresh your plants in the evening by washing the plants leaves from dust.

    You could even use this water bottle hack or trick to feed your plants with a foliar plant feeding solution.

    This hack will let you up-cycle plastic bottles to use as water jugs or you can use milk jugs the same way.

    Comment if you want more plastic bottle gardening hacks.

    water small plants with diy sprinkler

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    Self watering plants with plastic bottles

    Read also how to build a diy self watering plastic bottle irrigation system.

    DIY drip irrigation kit and timers read also about how to make a DIY irrigation system.

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    Carabiner uses life hacks

    These carabiners are NOT made to support the weight of a person. For that please find another video on YouTube, there are many.

    These carabiners have a max. weight of 50 kg but I would only use them on weights up to 15 – 25 Kg. just to be safe.

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    Carabiners are perfect keychains. You can easily add or remove keyrings from a carabiner.

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  • Water Plants While on Vacation with Plastic Bottles

    Water Plants While on Vacation with Plastic Bottles

    How to Water Plants While on Vacation. While away self watering plants are doing well.

    A quick and easy DIY tip to water plants while away using plastic bottles.

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    DIY self watering plants using plastic bottles

    Water plants while on vacation using any bottle by making holes in the plastic bottle cup with a hot needle or a knife. You should make approximately 3-4 small holes are in the picture bellow.

    Cap for DIY self watering plastic bottles
    Cap for DIY self watering plastic bottles

    A DIY simple life hack or if you like to call it a trick to water your plants while you are away for a week.

    Self watering bottle next to Kaffir Lime
    Self watering bottle next to Kaffir Lime

    While on vacation being away traveling you will not have to worry if the plants at home are OK.

    This plastic bottle method works with bottles of any size but 1 liter to 2 liter botles or equivalent are best but you should use bigger bottles if you will be away longer. Bigger bottles are more difficult to secure – watch the video.

    How it works

    How this trick works is by installing water bottles near the plants and securing the bottles so they don’t fall.

    DIY self watering bottles for plants
    DIY self watering bottles for plants

    Capilary action draws water into the soil and sunlight will increase the pressure inside the water bottle to release even more water on hot sunny days from your self watering water bottless.

    Self watering plastic bottle how it works
    Self watering plastic bottle how it works

    For how long can you be away

    You can be away for approx. 1 week but it all depends if you make the holes bigger or smaller and if you live in a very hot weather area.

    Water bottle releases water slowly to last for 1 week
    Water bottle releases water slowly to last for 1 week

    During the time you use the bottle for self watering, the bottl might shrink because the soil is absorbing water and creates a vacuum in the bottle.

    Water comes out and squeezes the bottle its normal
    Water comes out and squeezes the bottle its normal

    The sunlight will expand this pressure to allow more water to be released from the bottle.

    Self watering bottle close-up
    Self watering bottle close-up

    Note there are no holes on the bottom of the bottle, holes are only in the cap. Capilary action in the soil pulls water from the bottle until vacuum formed in the bottle holds it but when sun heats the air in the bottle, more water is release to the plant roots.

    If you will be away for 2 weeks, you can still use this method but will larger bottles or multiple bottles.

    Self watering bottle secured in place on a stick
    Self watering bottle secured in place on a stick

    For example, 2 bottles of 2 liters with fewer holes so that the flow is slower.

    Self watering plant with bottle
    Self watering plant with bottle

    For anything longer than 2 weeks, you have to look at options for a diy self watering timer for plants in garden or pots.

    Inserting drip irrigation next to plant
    Inserting drip irrigation next to plant

    Safety warning

    Securing self watering bottles with a bamboo stick
    Securing self watering bottles with a bamboo stick

    If the crime rate in your area is moderate to high, please do this in a way that people from outside will not see the bottles in your pots. Or ask a friend (if you have one 😐 ) to water the plants for you and check that everything is ok in your home.
    Having the bottles visible together with lights off is a clue that you are away from home.
    Burglars will look for some of these clues to decide which home to  target.
    Stay safe!

    Water plants while away diy irrigation micro-drip timer

    Micro-drip irrigation timer
    Micro-drip irrigation timer
    Water plants while away diy irrigation

    Water plants while away with a diy irrigation micro-drip timer.

    DIY Drip irrigation timer box contents
    DIY Drip irrigation timer box contents

    This is a very simple life hack or if you like let’s call it a trick to water your plants while you are away for a few weeks even a whole month!

    water plants with drip irrigation timer
    water plants with drip irrigation timer

    You can use a timer and a large water container. 20 Liters or even more if you are away for longer periods of time.

    Insert micro-drip irrigation in hose in water container

    You can use a timer to water your garden even when you are at home but prefer to do it automatically and use less water.

    Connect microdrip irrigation hose to timer
    Connect microdrip irrigation hose to timer

    There are various models of micro-drip irrigation timers but in general they have a mode of turning on the water pump a set number of times per day and a set duration for each watering session.

    Battery installation in micro-drip timer
    Battery installation in micro-drip timer

    Ideally the timer would work with AA batteries and those batteries should last weeks or even months depending on how othen you set it to run.

    Drip irrigation next to plant
    Drip irrigation next to plant

    With a micro-drip irrigation system and timer you waste less water and the water goes directly to the plants when they need it the most.

    Micro-drip irrigation hose
    Micro-drip irrigation hose

    Micro-drip irrigation hose is not too thick and flexible. It can even be used as a permanent way to water your balcony garden. For full sized gardens, it is better to use bigger size drip irrigation systems feeding from utility water supply or a rain water collector barrel.

    Micro-drip irrigation water container
    Micro-drip irrigation water container

    You can use any size of water container, even 20 liters or more will work fine.

    Micro-Drip irrigation timer ready
    Micro-Drip irrigation timer ready

    While on vacation or traveling you will not worry if the plants at home are OK.

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    Grow herbs from cuttings in plastic bottles.

    Grow herbs from cuttings in plastic bottles

    Water plants while away

    Water plants while away

    Revive Almost Dried Basil Plant

    Revive Almost Dried Basil Plant

    Revive almost any dried plant (Basil).
    How to revive or restore Basil when it starts wilting.  Revive wilted plants in 1 easy step Time-Lapse

    This is a Basil plant but it works with most plants in your garden.
    Any plant can becomes happy and green again when watering with plenty of water if it’s dried out or wilted.
    Plants easily become wilted in dry and summer days.
    There is a limit and this only works on plants that are still green.
    Once the leaves are dry and turn brown it won’t work.

    If the plant is still green give it a lot of water fast!
    A simple yet efficient trick or life hack.
    The time-lapse took 2.5-3h to make.
    The wilted basil plants becomes happy very quickly after watering.